Great news! Fits, Starts & Matters of the Heart is one of four featured titles for MediaBistro's next Book Club party. Contributor Emily Rogan will read her essay "All About the Hair," followed by drinks and mingling at 6:30 p.m. Feb. 17. Exact Midtown Manhattan location TBA.
This information is provided by Emma Johnson.
"This is a big deal for the book - these events bring out a lot (sometimes 100 or more) NYC media types. The biggest deal (IMO) is that Fits, Starts will get a mention in a party email invitation sent to more than 30,000 people, as well as on MB's website with a link to our Amazon page. PLUS, pics of the event will be posted via Flickr on MB's party page.
Authors featured in past MB Book Club parties include Emma McLaughlin (Nanny Diaries), David Farley (An Irreverent Curiosity), David Rushkoff (Life Inc.), and Alix Strauss (Based upon Availability)."
Fabulous news for Fits, Starts & Matters of the Heart. Yay!
Great news!